Canon EOS 90D – English

For better shots from the start!

The Canon EOS 90D captivates with its fantastic equipment and has plenty cutting-edge features to offer.

Book Canon EOS 90DThe team of photographers, Kyra and Christian Sänger, introduces the conglomerate technology of this camera to you and shows you how to optimally benefit from the EOS 90D’s strengths.

The authors convey their knowledge based on easily comprehensible instructions, descriptive pictures, and realistic examples. Get to know the camera’s finesse step by step. Learn about focusing in different situations, exposure methods, and much more. With tips provided by professionals, you will achieve authentic, high-end images and videos while enjoying your 90D to the fullest.

Hallo, ich bin Kyra - Fotografin und Autorin. Ich bin in erster Linie für das Fotografieren zuständig, arbeite zusammen mit meinem Mann Christian an unseren fotografischen Projekten und veröffentliche regelmäßig Fachbücher rund um die Fotografie und Bildbearbeitung. Du findest mich auch auf oder Instagram.

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